Wednesday, October 9, 2013

North Carolina Babymoon

Ya’ll, I feel bad I haven’t been around lately, but whoever said I’d have this amazing energy in my 2nd & 3rd trimester LIED. I am WIPED. haha Very thankful but zee engergy is ZAPPED. On top of that, little lady still has me taking nausea medicine (umm hello - didn’t she get the memo that we are supposed to be done with that?!).

Crazy thing is… I only have 11 (E-L-E-V-E-N) weeks left in this pregnancy!!! Holy. Smokes! Can you even believe that?! WHERE has the time gone? Note: this is also your courtesy 11 week till Christmas warning (yup… little lady is due ON Christmas day). I better get my shop on STAT… cue panic!

Anyhow, hubs and I decided to take a little trip to North Carolina for a last minute getaway before baby arrives! We loaded up the car & got on the road and drove up to Bryson City, NC where hubs’ grandparents have a cute little cabin!

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs

Ya, Maddie was a little out of control until we got on the highway and she settled down… haha 🙂

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs

Hello Blue Ridge Mountains…

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs

When we got there we took the pretty drive into town.

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs

And stopped at our favorite drive-in burger joint, Nabers, for a good ol’ burger!

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs

We spent 3 nights at the cabin and did a lot of napping & RELAXING (it was WONDERFUL!).

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs

Maddie enjoyed staring out the window and barking at the neighbor dogs when they came on our property (such a ferocious guard dog). haha

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs

Then we snuck into a public park that was closed down due to the government shut-down (LAME)… it’s one of the few dog friendly trails and we weren’t about to miss out on our favorite hike!

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs

Maddie LOVED it.

The weather was perfect and the scenery was GORGEOUS!

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs

Last time we were up here we had our Bishop boy with us… Mike got a picture with Maddie along the trail in honor of him (Daddy’s girl for a few more weeks).Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs

We drove into Hendersonville on our last day and had breakfast with family there then explored the city & went to a fabulous Apple Farm:

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs

I’m OBSESSED with Honeycrisp Apples so we went straight for that bin and picked a 1/2 bushel of apples to take home with us!

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs


33 Honeycrisp apples for $16 bucks! STEAL OF A DEAL!!!

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs

That night we went to a little tapas restaurant called Never Blue for dinner. The star of the show, however, was actually dessert… this PHYLLO wrapped, ganache topped brownie, served hot with Creme Anglaise and homemade Pecan Ice Cream. TO. DIE. FOR. —> gonna have to experiment and try to recreate that bad boy!

Bryson City, NC: Babymoon | My Life as a Mrs


Anyhow, we are back and getting back in the groove of things! Catch ya later this week with a recipe! 🙂

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14 Responses to “North Carolina Babymoon”

  1. 1

    Lindsay — October 9, 2013 @ 3:53 pm

    Is that dog cage collapse-able or somehow travel-able??

    • Tina replied: — October 10th, 2013 @ 1:01 pm

      yes! It’s awesome!!! Got it at Walmart- i’m pretty sure we got her the Medium. She LOVES it. We actually have a bigger non-travel crate at home and she prefers the travel one at all times 🙂

    • Tina replied: — October 10th, 2013 @ 1:02 pm

      oh & it’s on Amazon too! & we definitely got the medium (24″) bc ours does not have handles.

  2. 2

    Jessica — October 9, 2013 @ 6:48 pm

    What a fun babymoon! Y’all are so adorable it almost makes me sick. 😉

    • Tina replied: — October 10th, 2013 @ 1:03 pm

      i know… gag! 😉 miss you Segarra’s!!!

  3. 3

    Liz @ The Lemon Bowl — October 9, 2013 @ 7:06 pm

    Love that you went on a babymoon!!! We are going on a little one this weekend but with a toddler in tow… not quite as good as our first one. 😉 Can’t believe you only have 11 weeks!!

    • Tina replied: — October 10th, 2013 @ 1:03 pm

      eeee!!!! You are on the home stretch girl!!!!! As soon as you have yours it’s gonna get REAL for me haha 🙂

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    DeidreSH — October 10, 2013 @ 8:49 am

    OMG, you were so in my backdoor! I grew up in Franklin and now live with the Mr. in Cullowhee…both just a hop, skip and jump from Bryson! Actually, I used to work at a boutique (Humanite) located on Everett Street in Bryson. So cool that you were in our area! It sounds like you had a fantastic Babymoon!!! 🙂

    • Tina replied: — October 10th, 2013 @ 1:04 pm

      how fun!!! Yep we had breakfast on Everett Street most mornings 🙂

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    Megan {Country Cleaver} — October 10, 2013 @ 10:06 pm

    Omg girl you have earned your rest time!! I’m so glad you had a great time!! What a trip. Can we offically dub this Peyton’s first road trip? I mean it counts, right? I think so!! Now go put your feet up and bake that little bun!!

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    natalie@thesweetslife — October 11, 2013 @ 11:44 pm

    what a fabulous trip (and hello awesome score on honeycrisps!). we head to maine next week…with friends, but still a babymoon of sorts 🙂

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    Tahnie — October 12, 2013 @ 11:08 pm

    Love your photos of this trip! They are all so gorgeous and truly capture the moment. It looks like you had a wonderful time and you will definitely cherish this trip forever!

    Organic ginger root pills are incredible for helping with nausea. I take a medication that has chemo like side effects and ginger saves me so many days! Just something I thought I would pass along. 🙂

    Happy Weekend to you!

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    Nikki @Seeded at the Table — October 15, 2013 @ 10:40 pm

    Sounds like the perfect babymoon! And, what the heck…honeycrisp apples for THAT cheap? YES!!!

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    The Mistress of Spices — October 16, 2013 @ 5:07 am

    What a lovely babymoon! Beautiful scenery…and that dessert sounds/looks insane! Good luck with your remaining weeks and do enjoy it (as they say). I’m 4 days PAST due myself!

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