Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Annual Camping Trip: 2011

We went on our annual camping trip 2 weekends ago! Due to a crazy schedule, I am JUST getting around to posting about it! Anyhow, it’s a little tradition the hubs and his guy friends started long ago (pre-wives)… and now the wives are included! It’s a ton of fun just hanging out, catching up, and relaxing!

It’s always fun to see the how our camping gear, supplies, and meals have evolved over the years.  The first year I think we brought a tent, a cooler, and some hotdogs haha. Now we bring the works! Air Mattress, Fan, Chairs, Camping Stove, Griddle, French Press Coffee Maker. Oh yes… we are SERIOUS about making our camping as luxurious as possbile.

Now, I have to admit we use the term “camping” loosely.  Yes we sleep in tents and cook some things over the fire; However,  there are also on site restrooms/showers, and a power outlet at each camp site. The only kind of camping I will ever do! 🙂

This is my camp kitchen! We have a stove and a griddle hooked up!

And we can’t go camping without the ability to make coffee, can we? Love my French Press!!

The hubs was incredibly proud of his pancake stacker haha Pancake, Turkey Sausage, Pancake, topped with 2 eggs and syrup. I just had an egg and a pancake.

Photos below - Clockwise starting with the upper left: {The lovely Sarah snapping some shots for her blog, Daniel and the adorable Miss Adley,the handsome hubs, and lastly Adley again (b/c she is just so stinkin cute!)}

My little Maddie was an EXCELLENT camper! Love that sweet little face (she gets herself out of all sorts of trouble with it!)

Even though it rained an insane amount - it was a great time! 🙂

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3 Responses to “Annual Camping Trip: 2011”

  1. 1

    Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean — March 15, 2011 @ 10:53 am

    what a fun tradition! love your cooking setup 🙂

  2. 2

    michelle @ The Domestic Mama — March 16, 2011 @ 6:27 am

    Seriously… you and I are a lot alike! We camp the same way! 🙂 Nice to know there are other campin’ gals in South Fl! Where did you go? Me n the hubby used to go to Alexander Springs a lot.

    • Kristina replied: — March 16th, 2011 @ 9:02 am

      We went to Longpoint Park (up in Sebastian)… It’s only about 1hr 15min drive which isn’t too bad - and it’s across from the beach so during the day, the girls can lay out and get sun and the guys can surf! Super FuN! 🙂

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