Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine’s Day Re-Cap

We went out to one of our favorite restaurants on Sunday night: Guanabanas. It was TO. DIE. FOR. I’m obsessed. Guanabanas is an all-outdoor restaurant with the most unbelieveable tropical landscaping! You feel like you are on vacation in the Caribbean when you dine there. Being that it was finally a ‘cold’ night here in Florida (in the upper 50’s- low 60’s) and it was Valentine’s weekend, there was an hour wait.  No big deal! We grabbed one of their bar seats under a palm tree and had a drink/appetizer in their gorgeous tropical oasis! Our pager went of 15 minutes early and we were seated at our table to have a romantic moonlit dinner overlooking the water!  I was very thankful for the heater near our table!!

The food was on POINT! SO SO good.  The hubs got a Fresh Catch Burrito with Homemade Pico, Guacamole, and Tortilla Chips (SO GOOD - but HUGE!).  I got the Macadamia Coconut Crusted Snapper with Pineapple Salsa, Grilled Zuccini, and Sweet Plantains cooked to perfection! Re-DONK-ulous! SO bummed I forgot to bring my camera!!!

On to Monday morning (Actual V-DAY): I woke up early to make the hubs breakfast… Buttermilk Pancakes (with Chocolate Chips). Huge hit.

It was off to work after that! Midway through my morning i was delivered 2 dozen Multi-Colored roses with very sweet note from the hubs 🙂 LOVED THEM! They look like the one’s below (I havn’t taken a photo of the actual ones yet as they are on my desk at work brightening up my office!).

Then we came home and the hubs decided to take the reins on dinner!

We learned that he is allergic to touching raw shell fish. haha oiy veh! I felt awful… his hands turned bright red and started burning and itching.  He had one spot where he had a papercut on his hand and it started to swell up… we took a break and got some Benadryl from upstairs.

On The Special V-Day Dinner Menu: Broiled Lobster, Pan Seared Ribeye topped with Gorgonzola, Crazy Salt Crusted Baked Potatoes, Grilled Asparagus and Bernaise Sauce… Jealous?

Fun little side note: Thanks to the sales at Publix this week… EVERYTHING pictured above (x2) was under $30!! Not bad for a fancy meal for two! Eating out it would cost a WHOLE LOT MORE.

I was on for dessert… Chocolate Molten Lava Cakes. Um. SO. GOOD. (and EASY!)

I had the best Valentine ever 🙂 I love you hunnay!

Stay tuned for V-Day recipes along with some others from this past week!

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2 Responses to “Valentine’s Day Re-Cap”

  1. 1

    Rachel — February 16, 2011 @ 2:30 pm

    Sounds like a great Valentine’s Day! The dinner looks amazing and I’ll have to try the chocolate molten lava cake!

  2. 2

    Debbie — February 16, 2011 @ 6:27 pm

    Did Mike make that whole Valentine’s Day dinner? It looked very fancy!

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