Friday, February 27, 2009

Michael Wiley

My friend Katie tagged me to do this… and well, I love bragging about my hubby so I couldn’t resist! 🙂

How did we meet: On an airplane headed for Mexico (see previous post… it’s a LONG but good story… definitely by God’s hand!)

How long we dated before we got married: 13 months in total… we dated for 8 months, got engaged, and were engaged for 5 months before we got married.

How long we have been married: 1 week from this Sunday will be our 1st Anniversary (March 8th)!

What is my favorite feature about him: My husband is stinking HOT! He has amazing blue eyes… and I absolutely love how masculine and rugged he lookes when he has some scruff on his face! And Katie… I’m gonna have to steal your answer w/ saying that my husband has a fantastic butt. Yep… I said it. It’s true too 🙂

What is my favorite quality about him: His heart. He is always thinking of me first and is so helpful around the house.

What is his nickname: Oh gosh… with his friends he has a bunch… to name a few: Wiley, Y-Man, Sweet Mike, Won-Ton Chop…

What is his favorite color: umm i don’t know- For furniture, he’s drawn to Red Items… but in clothes he wears a lot of Blues… Not sure that he has an OFFICIAL favorite… He likes mixing things up.

What is his favorite food: My husband is sweet- he always tells me that whatever I’ve cooked for dinner is his favorite 🙂 But I’d have to say he LOVES when I make Caesar Chicken, Black Beans & Rice, and Caesar Salad… He also loves this salad i make “Charlottesville Salad” (that’s the sweet dressing one w/ Candied Pecans, hunnay…) I’ll post the recipe the next time I make it.

What is his favorite sport: He played baseball his whole life- so I’d say that’s his fav to play, but he also loves playing flag football w/ his friends.

Who said the “L” word first: I probably felt it first… but I held out and waited for him to SAY it. He waited a while (like 6 months into our relationship… and then started ring shopping right after that hah!)

First kiss and where: Beginning of Feb 2007 (not sure the actual day)… on the couch at my mom’s house haha- we were watching a movie “The Illusionist” (i think)

Favorite “couple thing” to do: umm… We love just relaxing together and doing nothing (as sad as that sounds)… but we’re always so busy that it’s nice to just RELAX! We also love to go shopping for house stuff (Homegoods is our FAV!!!)

How many kids: No kids right now. One day… just not now.

Hidden Talent: He’s an artist and can paint & draw extremely well (although he’s very modest about it), He can surf, Drum, and he’s SUPER handy w/ fixing things around the house, he can build skateboards, and build lots of other things too! (he built the table wooden top to our tv table), he can drive a boat really well for people to ski/tube off the back of, okay… he can do A LOT more things too… but those are just a few!!

Favorite Music: umm he likes a good mix… loves a little rock and roll (he wants to be a rock star)

What I admire most about him: he is very humble, always quick to help me, and loves to help others, he is extremely loving, loves the Lord, he’s a great listener, patient with me, he’s an incredible husband and best friend… shall I continue?

Favorite past time: Surfing, Playing Pool, fishing, traveling, relaxing…

Will he read this: yes- i’m sending him the link!

now i’m tagging Kathleen, and Sarah to do it too.

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One Response to “Michael Wiley”

  1. 1

    Sarah :) — February 27, 2009 @ 1:09 pm

    TINA…you stinker, tagging me 🙂 I’ll have one up in a day or so, k? Marriage is so fun, isn’t it?

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